I see that She finally convinced the Little It to sit still long enough for her to take his picture. She has wasted dozens of shots on him and filled up her picture gallery with blurs. I am naturally well-groomed, calm, and photogenic. He is a mess, and getting him cleaned up costs more money than She has right now. Every month or so She goes at his face with scissors- I guess to see if he still has eyes. We watched a show about working dogs a while back while She was at work. I explained to the Little It that Rabbits were my profession , and that beagles were great favorites of the original Queen Elizabeth. Little It said his ancestors were royal dogs who sat around all day at the palace doing nothing but sitting in people's laps. The Little It said he wanted to be more than just a toy. He wanted a job.
First he decided to become a Chipmunk hound. He sat at the door to the porch all day , and watched them fighting and swinging around at the bird feeder. When they ran for cover he ran from window to window yapping. Thank God the cats came and chased the rodents away.
Now the Little It has decided to be a security guard. Every time someone slams a car door or goes outside to smoke he barks. When the Big Brown Truck comes with packages for everyone but us ( we are too poor to get packages) he scratches and busts another mini-blind. When a cube drops out of the icemaker we all hear about it. When I tell him to hush he gets snippy, and tells me he barks because I don't. He is right. I howl only when I see rabbits.
I told him the other day I was willing to let him be my personal assistant. He can help me drag race around the couch. He can play tag with me. And wrestle-. He says he will try to fit all this in when he is off duty.
Of course there are certain things I never let him do. He does not go near my food bowl. He does not sleep at the top of the bed with Us. He is never allowed to ride shotgun on the Tundra's seat divider. Other than that he is a free agent. And that is all I wish to say about him today. If I can pull up the picture gallery I will show you what he really looks like.
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