Note: I wrote this after a visit to Davis-Kidd Booksellers here in Nashville. This bookstore, plagued by a bad location in a snooty mall with awful parking, by e-books, and, closed in December. I dug out this old bit of doggerel after reading that romance novels are among the most popular e-books.
At the Bookstore
Should we pity
The Un-Pretty?
The nervous prey of sad crushes
Of infatuations beyond their means.
They creep through the romance paperback aisles-
Until they see-
Startle! In surprise! At who
Beside them standing buys:
All the Pretty.
I have been amazed who likes this read, but to each their own.Many are written from a outline given to a ghost writer or writers and signed by the same name.I go in moods, this time of year I may get into a detective novel or stick to what others have given me, plus I take a number of magazines.I have a favorite librarian who tells me some good ones just out.Lovely verse, I have been reading Mary Oliver.Wait, maybe I can write some romance, out on the prairie.