I do not camp at stores to get in line early, and the prospect of being in a store with a crowd gives me what Mark Twain called the "fantods". I will be going early today to a moving sale over on Grayson in West Meade. The pictures of the kitchen and the kitchenware are at the Patterson Estate Sales web site, Pattersonestatesales.com. I have tried in vain to set up a link, but if you want to see more pictures you will have to depend on Google to guide you. I think the mixing bowls alone justify the gas, though Grayson is but 2 miles from my apartment. These three photos are from the web site-
A real cooks kitchen, I like the polka dot casserole and could use some mixing bowls at my new place.I paid 5 bucks for a classic rolling pin recently at a great sale I attended.