Sunday, January 22, 2012

Once More to the Lake- Hidden Lake

Morning here in the Tee-Tiny Kitchen writing room. On Sundays it is best to rise early to hear WGBH live stream the bird songs they have been playing at six am for decades. A tradition started by the late Robert J. Lurtsema, a most civilized man.

One minor political note this morning. Oh those South Carolinians. They are such comedians! First they fire on Fort Sumter. Now they shoot Newt Gingrich out of a cannon, aimed at the heart of the country-

Today's agenda is a return to Hidden Lake. I, and my fellow elderly explorer Mrs George Rosenthal, will be returning to Hidden Lake State Park on the Harpeth River this morning to see if we can find the remnants of the old lodge there. A previous post revealed how we stumbled on the old dance floor on top of the quarry where the resort was in the 30's- a nest of moonshiners and fun-lovers. This resort was on the old Nashville-Memphis Highway 15 miles from downtown Nashville. If we are lucky we will find not only the site of the lodge, but perhaps some early violets or spring beauties blooming as this has been a warm winter. A full report to follow-

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