Thursday, February 2, 2012

Every Thing Except the Kitchen Sink Custard Pie

Winter Squash season is almost over, and I had a lone butternut squash left sitting on a shelf. I decided to use it before it caught a fungus and shriveled up, as hard squash are sometimes known to do. I baked it last evening, and this morning dug out the pulp and put it into the food processor along with 3 cut up boiled carrots, a cooked medium sweet potato, and a cup of shredded canned pineapple. I added a couple tablespoons of vanilla sugar, 3 tablespoons of brown sugar, a pinch of cardamon and of nutmeg. I pureed everything, then tasted it for sweetness. Then I added 2 tablespoons of butter, 1/4 cup of heavy cream, and 3 eggs. I whipped the mixture in the processor for a few minutes, then poured it into a blind-baked pie shell. Then I baked it at 400 degrees until a skewer inserted came out clean- about 45 minutes.

It will be on the luncheon menu at Miss Betsy's Imaginary Tearoom.

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