Friday, March 2, 2012

After the Storm- March 2 - Nashville, Tennessee

There was little wind, no thunder, and no lightning in the part of Bellevue where I live. Yet just three miles northwest of here there are trees down, and there is no power. As the storm came in, I stood on my porch and heard the sirens going off. Then I heard a most strange and peculiar sound.

Not the freight train sound that people say a tornado makes, but a pulsating sound- as though a giant thresher was coming over the hill.

It was a great wave of quarter sized hail. It lasted only a few minutes, and then the storm moved toward downtown Nashville.

Here are some photos I took after the weather went through.


  1. those clouds are awesome, I love a storm and glad to never have to hate it much

  2. I experienced that same pulsing sound this past Friday during the storms! It was very unnerving!!!
