Friday, February 8, 2013

The Estate Sale Diaries,February 8, 2013

I was sixth in line today at an interesting little estate sale in West Meade. The usuals were ahead of me,including the box lady who is always looking for silverware, and some gentleman re-sellers discussing a sale they went to yesterday that attracted 200 people at the start. They were dismayed by not only the crowd, but by the prices that left them little margin-

This West Meade sale had more crystal and more silver plated urns and creamers than I have seen in months. Big tables were covered , but the buyers were non-existent.I dwell outside the fringes of fashion, so I do not know if people still care for tea sets and crystal canisters anymore. Do engaged couples still register for them? Or are these remnants of the past midcentury fit only for time capsules or junk shops?

There were cookbooks, but I already owned some of them, and wasn't interested in the rest, which belonged to the "healthy cooking" camp, which I find tedious and lacking in joie de vivre. The only book I took home was a hardcover of Mark Twain's autobiography , which I found in the living room. There were some books in the bedroom, including an oversized hardcover pictorial tribute to the daytime TV soap "All My Children". I left it there.

I found this fine tray on a table with the crystal. I think it is brass, and its motif of wine glasses, grapes, tablets that may be a Haggadah , and distant pyramids make me think it was used during Passover. It is a beautiful thing, and well worth $12.00.

I also found this wire basket by Dary Rees Originals-

And this strange little utensil, which opens and closes like a flower. I have no idea what it is for.

Here are two other kitchen tools. A vintage slotted spoon /spatula with "Kitchamagig" etched on it.Etched as well a list of what it can do:Strains;Drains;Beats;Blends;Whips; and Mixes. A regular kitchen in itself! Beside it a double roller pin I will use on puff pastry and homemade pasta. My present rolling pin is marble, and I worry it will roll off the island and smash my foot- This little thing looks safer.( It was also made in the USA.)

Lest I forget I also bought two Emile Henry bakers-one a gratin dish and the other a lasagne dish.

Altogether a pleasant little sale,which I would not have been able to go to had it not been for my sisters Nancy and Bopsie, who sent me a VISA gift card for Christmas.


  1. Nice finds, your flower is a steamer that fits in a sauce pan.I separate my water and food with one set on a bowl when I make tamales.

  2. Thanks, Steve. That makes sense-

  3. I have always wanted one of those steamers. You are lucky to find such a nice one!
    Love all the things that you got, but that tray with the aqua color around the edge, my favorite!

  4. Kay- the more I study the tray the more interesting it is. The photo does not do it justice. The household that owned it was Jewish, and it has many symbols carved in it. I was lucky to get it.
