Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Yearning for Beauty and Elegance

I wrote this years ago after reading about the Cafe Carlyle in New York. Most of us will never be thin, rich,or beautiful and spend our evenings there. We will accept how ordinary we are and life's great limits. Except in our imaginations of course-

She dreams of the Cafe Carlyle- a poem by E Sprague

Look for me among the slim women in backless dresses,

Poised on the arms of endless money.

I close my eyes- so sadly suburban-

Open them to a languorous world

Of dulcet women and knowing pianos.

To the company of men with unerring fingernails,

Wise in the ways of cabs.

There will be no common sidewalks here.

The pavement will bloom fallen carnations.

Light smoke will rise

To the sound and sequence of the city.

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