Here are two views of Nashville from a parking garage in the hospital-hotel district I call The Hive. The dominant structures in this part of town are the parking garages. One is hard pressed to ever see anyone randomly walking here. The church is the Cathedral of the Incarnation. The more I look at this photo the more it looks like an urban standoff between the church on one side of Broadway ,and Checkers, Taco Bell, and Jack in the Box on the other. I pulled down my copy of Jane Jacobs' "The Death and Life of Great American Cities" two days ago. I think it is time to read it. I also re-read Robert Lowell's poem " For The Union Dead".-
"Parking spaces luxuriate like civic
sandpiles in the heart of Boston".
And even more apropos-
giant finned cars nose forward like fish,
A savage servility
slides by on grease".
Click on photos to enlarge.
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